Friends of Rentiesville Blues Inc.

The Friends of Rentiesville Blues Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit cultural and educational organization founded in 2003.It’s mission is to preserve and develop African American music(s) through education and entertainment. Our highlight events of the year are the Inductions in May over Memorial Day Weekend and the Rentiesville Dusk til Dawn Blues festival over Labor Day Weekend. There are also a lot of teaching and open jam sessions in Rentiesville at the Blues Club/Hall of Fame.

BOARD MEMBERS include DW Moore,  Nanette  Robertson, Dr. Harold Aldridge, Harry Williams, Jayne Stiles, Shelly Zakais, head of staff/events is Selby Minner 

These EVENTS are held at the birthplace and family home of the late Oklahoma Blues legend D.C. Minner (6 halls of fame:  OK Music, OK Jazz, Tulsa World, Payne County On Line, OK Black Museum and OK Blues Halls of Fame) and his wife Selby is now executive producer. Selby also opens the Blues Club each week on Sunday to host an ongoing Blues Jam Session open to one and all.

Ten weeks of lessons at Gore Community Center funded by donations collected by Gore Resident George Anthony.

There are also lots of LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES available through Selby and the Friends Of Rentiesville Blues. The Checotah Library hired Selby to teach free guitar and bass lessons for eight years from January through May. It is a program which meets weekly and ends in a performance. The levels vary from one finger chords for beginners to user friendly lead solo scales. She now does this series in various other places – Glenpool Muskogee at Studio B etc.

There is a JAM BAND  which meets often at the Blues Club in Rentiesville – call (918) 855-0978 for info. The Sunday jam sessions are very supportive to people trying to get onstage experience as well as to professional players. Fun with music!  DC hands car keys to Muries

As a fund raiser for years we held a golf tournament. One year Mr. Murie hit the winning hole-in-one. This photo is D.C. Minner handing the keys of a Nissan Altima to the couple at the Rentiesville Blues Club!

We do have WISH LIST which includes funding the publishing of two books. – The Band Guide which is 80 pages and aimed at helping all musicians most particularly teens who have learned to play and do not know what to do next.

UPDATE we got Mama Said Published! 

Also the book on D.C. Minner Mama Said -This Boy Is Going To Be Somebody!



In the Muskogee Phoenix

Blues musician and artist Selby Minner talks about volunteering, the Oklahoma Blues Hall of Fame, and how music motivates her work.

PERSONALLY SPEAKING: “Well, music has done so much for me in my life that I like to give forward, and I love kids and I love people. I just love it — I love this music. It’s been a good life for me. I’m very blessed.”

WHY IT’S IMPORTANT: “This is a democracy, you only get to vote once a year in elections and stuff like that. But you get to vote on your community every day when you volunteer. It’s helping create the world you live in when you volunteer.”

HOW YOU CAN HELP: “We bring 200 musicians out here, we have the Dusk til Dawn Blues Festival, which is Sep. 4-6 this year. The other thing we do for programming is that we do the Oklahoma Blues Hall of Fame. The goal is just to keep the music alive. People can volunteer at the festival, or just attend the events, or we have a nonprofit, the Friends of Rentiesville. People can visit and join the email list so they’ll be in the loop.”

NOMINATE SOMEONE: Know somebody who is making a difference in the community through their volunteer efforts? Let us know so we can feature them in this space. Send email to or call (918) 684-2929 and speak to Executive Editor Elizabeth Ridenour.

AGE: 70

DAY JOB: Musician.

VOLUNTEER: Muskogee Area Arts Council, Checotah Library, Oklahoma Blues Hall of Fame.

Friends of Rentiesville Blues Inc. 501 C3

Leave Your Legacy

The Friends of Rentiesville Blues Inc. would appreciate you remembering the organization in your will.

If you are interested in leaving The Friends of Rentiesville Blues a charitable bequest, the language in your will should contain the following:

I/We give the Friends of Rentiesville Blues Inc. (EIN 27-0051206, a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Corporation), the following money or asset (described here) to benefit their charitable purpose. FOR Blues encourages you to consult your planner, tax professional or attorney when preparing your charitable bequest.

Your donation, regardless of the amount, makes an impact on the cultural life of Oklahoma by keeping Friends of Rentiesville Blues Inc. programs alive and flourishing.

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.
 – Marjorie Moore

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Guitar class muskogeeguitar class gore Selby




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